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Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Visual Overview CD-ROM Version 3.0
Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Visual Overview CD-ROM Version 3.0
This CD-ROM features over 100 educational slides with 24 unique animated slides including excellent visual and oral descriptions of SBS/AHT. This state-of-the-art CD-ROM takes you through the causes, symptoms, injuries and outcomes of SBS. This PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded with or without narriations. The full color computer animations shows the movement of the brain, eyes, bones, and neck when a child is shaken. This overview is great for lectures and court proceedings.
Our Price: $250.00

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Availability: Orders outside of the USA contact 801-447-9360 or marketing@dontshake.org
Product Code: CDRM-OVW-K

This CD-ROM features over 100 educational slides with 24 unique animated slides including excellent visual and oral descriptions of SBS/AHT. This state-of-the-art CD-ROM takes you through the causes, symptoms, injuries and outcomes of SBS. This PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded with or without narriations. The full color computer animations shows the movement of the brain, eyes, bones, and neck when a child is shaken. This overview is great for lectures and court proceedings.

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